Xanovo (Rifaximin)

Product/Composition:- Rifaximin
Form:- Tablets
Strength:- 200mg, 400mg & 550mg
Production Capacity 50000
Packaging:- 10 X 10 Tablets / Box
Therapeutic use:- Anti biotic/ Anti infective/ Anti fungal
Package Insert/Leaflet: Available upon request

What is Xanovo?

Xanovo is a generic medicine that is helpful in treating irritable bowel syndrome. The medicine, in short, helps to prevent hepatic encephalopathy.

In this situation, the liver is unable to get rid of toxins. In short, Xanovo works as an antibiotic, and your doctor can also prescribe the medicine if you have infectious diarrhoea.

What is the Use of Xanovo?

Xanovo is the one form of antibiotic that is helpful in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome and hepatic encephalopathy.

Moreover, specialists can also suggest medicines for infectious diarrhoea as they kill and help to overcome infections.

In short, if we tell you the major uses of Xanovo, then they are:

The bacteria Escherichia coli causes the condition. In this condition, Xanovo can overcome diarrhoea, which is caused by contaminated food or water.

Yes, Xanovo can also treat IBS-D. If you come across the condition or the related signs, then the medicine is helpful in treatment.

It is a serious brain disorder that takes place when the liver is unable to filter toxins from the blood.

Who is the Manufacturer of Xanovo?

The trusted manufacturer of Xanovo is Actiza Pharma, and we have been supplying and delivering medicine across countries. This has helped us to achieve the desired position and made us on top.

Recommended Dosage for Various Indications

The recommended dosage of Xanovo is dependent upon the disease or disorder.

In the case of hepatic encephalopathy, patients need a higher dose. However, a lower dose is recommended for irritable bowel syndrome and traveller’s diarrhoea.

In case of dosage against both conditions, your doctor will conduct thorough research, and some of the tests are recommended.

In accordance with that, your dosage will be defined by the doctor. All you need is to follow the complete course of treatment.

How to Use it?

Xanovo comes in tablet form, and patients should consume it orally with water.

The exact dosage consumption (as we stated above, it is dependent upon the condition).

Remember to take the medicine at the same time every day for as long as you are supposed to.

Do not try to crush, chew or also break the tablet.

Take the dose as per the doctor’s instructions, and do not stop taking Xanovo on an immediate basis (if you feel good).

How Does the Xanovo Work?

The dose of Xanovo is used for the treatment of liver and gastrointestinal problems.

After the medicine has been taken, the bacteria-producing toxins in the digestive system die, and, in this manner, it helps to prevent hepatic encephalopathy.

By taking the medicine, the accumulation of toxins can be reduced in the blood.

This manner helps to prevent the recurrence of the disorder.

Benefits of Xanovo

The major benefit determined by Xanovo consumption is to help prevent hepatic encephalopathy (which is a severe liver disease).

The condition can easily damage the functioning of your brain (when left untreated).

In another case, Xanovo can also help treat infectious diarrhoea (which is mainly caused by harmful bacteria), followed by watery stool and weakness.

How to Take Xanovo?

Taking Xanovo is prescribed as it is asked for and advised by the doctor.

Read all of the instructions that come along with the tablet and, in turn, follow the instructions.

Do not consume more doses as per your requirement.

Potential Side Effects

Precautions and Safety

How long Until Xanovo Starts to Work?

The result of Xanovo can be seen within a few days after consumption. However, the duration can be increased/decreased depending on the severity of the disease.

Important Considerations for Taking Xanovo

Remember you are not consuming any other medicines during the consumption of Xanovo.

Avoid consuming alcohol, smoking, medicines containing nitrates and along with other poor habits of yours.

If you have developed severe allergies, then do not stop; immediately seek medical expert advice.

Instruction Should Follow

Xanovo comes with a complete set of instructions on how to use it, when, and in which quantity.

Read all of the instructions carefully, and then start with your treatment.

Who Should Avoid Xanovo?

Patients who are above 60 years of age should not consider consuming Xanovo (without consultation with a doctor).

Further, patients who are allergic to Xanovo and its components should also avoid it.

Storage Conditions

The preference for storing Xanovo is in a cool place, mostly away from sunlight.

Children should also not approach consuming Xanovo.

Why Actiza Pharma is Best?

Actiza Pharma is one of the best pharmacies to deliver Xanavo and other medicines because of numerous reasons.

We help patients to approach us right from any corner.

Our medicines are affordable and available in both generic and branded versions.

If you need any help, our customer support team is available to you at any time.

We maintain compliance with other regulatory standards to deliver medicines across countries with the utmost security.


The consumption of Xanovo helps prevent the growth of bacteria in your intestine and prevent further infections.

Hence, when you encounter irritable bowel syndrome and infectious diarrhoea, then buy Xanovo online.